Gnarly new skate park opens in Alexandria
Sculptural bowls and obstacles will challenge skaters of all ages as the City of Sydney opens a huge new $6 million skate park in Alexandria.

88 media releases
Sculptural bowls and obstacles will challenge skaters of all ages as the City of Sydney opens a huge new $6 million skate park in Alexandria.
The most detailed planning review of the city centre in more than four decades is set to play a critical role in Sydney's recovery from the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic.
International students who live, study, work or regularly visit the City of Sydney area are invited to apply for an award-winning ambassador program.
The City of Sydney has committed to a Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan, joining a cohort of leaders with longterm strategies and measurable targets to advance reconciliation.
From re-pressed records to kids’ bike gear and artisan shortbread, local businesses are making it easier for Sydneysiders to shop local and delight family and friends this Christmas.
The City of Sydney is calling for community feedback on new cycleway projects and streetscape upgrades that will fill missing links in the City’s bike network and make it safer for locals riding to school and to work.
Sydney will sparkle and buzz this Christmas, with pop-up musical performances in local neighbourhoods, light displays, decorations, roving performers and more Christmas trees than ever.
The City of Sydney will host a series of workshops, information sessions and presentations to address domestic violence against women as part of the United Nation’s annual 16 Days of Activism campaign.
Three new cycleways will serve Sydney’s busiest cycling connections, providing safer access for thousands of people riding between the city and Sydney’s east, and further support the City of Sydney’s plans to revitalise Oxford Street.
Join us for our annual celebration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures, NAIDOC in the City, broadcast online for the first time on Saturday 14 November.
The City of Sydney and NSW Government are offering $4.3 million in new grants to help businesses, cultural organisations, community groups and the entertainment industry breathe life back into the city centre.
Plans are afoot to paint a 90-metre rainbow path at Prince Alfred Park in Surry Hills to commemorate the legalisation of same-sex marriage in Australia.
Artists are invited to transform Sydney’s inner-city laneways with new public artworks.
The City of Sydney is seeking feedback on proposed planning controls that will help re-energise Sydney’s $4 billion night-time economy and create more opportunities for creative and cultural activities.
The City of Sydney is reviewing the planning rules for Oxford Street, as part of an initiative to revitalise the creative and cultural precinct and support local businesses.
Local businesses will come together for a series of weekly webinars hosted by key industry leaders to help them adapt and grow during the pandemic.
Sydney Park bike track wins award
今年,悉尼市政府在悉尼公园(Sydney Park)修建的全新的自行车骑行道荣获了设计大奖,这个校园假期,小朋友们又多了一个外出游玩的好去处。
More than 20,000 face masks are being distributed to some of Sydney’s most vulnerable communities in a move the City of Sydney hopes will help minimise further outbreaks of the Covid-19 virus.
The City of Sydney is working with the NSW Government on a vision to create a 24-hour alfresco city that will support Sydney's recovery from the economic impact of the pandemic.
The NSW Government will contribute $1 million to help the City of Sydney create an additional 9,000m2 of public space for pedestrians in the heart of the city.
A major new public square at Sydney’s Central station is one step closer, with the City of Sydney releasing its vision for a high-tech, green and people-friendly precinct.
今天,悉尼市政府正式为著名的悉尼中央火车站(Central station)周边推出了开发高科技、绿色环保且人性化辖区的全方位计划,就此为这一全新、大型公众广场的问世迈进了一步。
The City of Sydney is offering funding for businesses seeking to bolster the city’s economic, social, environmental and cultural sectors and support the local area’s Covid-19 recovery.