Sydney cracks world’s top 10 sustainable cities
We jumped 19 places in the last year

Help with meeting your environmental targets
12 posts in Greening your business
We jumped 19 places in the last year
Learn about the aged care provider’s 100% renewable electricity power purchase agreement.
Celebrating the collective results of key partnerships and programs in Sydney’s office and apartment sectors
Stay ahead of mandatory climate reporting. Get to net zero with less hassle. Join CitySwitch.
See how progressive office-based businesses reduce their environmental impact
This event is ideal for small to medium businesses looking to purchase renewable electricity. Join us to learn about your options and how to avoid overpaying.
Property fund manager commits to renewable power purchase agreements for business and the planet.
More single-use plastics are banned from 1 November in New South Wales.
Celebrating the greenest office spaces in the country at the CitySwitch awards.
Whether you’re a large or small business, you can opt for electricity from renewable sources and help build more solar and wind farms in regional NSW.
City of Sydney has launched a new business pledge that will dramatically reduce single-use plastics.
A groundswell of businesses are creating more sustainable spaces to work in. We focus on 2 of 2018’s CitySwitch Awards winners.