Doing business with us

Tell us your creative ideas for our major events and festivals

We’re seeking ideas that demonstrate creative excellence, innovation and accessibility while appealing to a global audience.

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Visual artists, curators, collectives, producers, architects, animators, set designers, visual effects designers or anyone with a big idea that meets our creative brief can apply.

About our major events

Sydney Christmas

Since 1971 the Christmas tree in Martin Place has been the centrepiece of Sydney Christmas, evolving into a series of programs and events over a 5-week period. This includes entertainment and programming across the city, 6 Christmas concerts across the local area, and an extensive program of Christmas trees and decorations.

Sydney New Year’s Eve

Sydney New Year’s Eve is a local and global celebration that reaches an audience of more than 425 million people worldwide and more than 1 million people celebrate around the harbour each year. Research in 2019 found the event has a direct economic impact of $280 million to Sydney.

Sydney Lunar Festival

Sydney’s Lunar Festival is one of the largest Lunar New Year celebrations outside of Asia. This unique and internationally recognised event has played a vital role in unifying Sydneysiders, strengthening cultural relationships and supporting businesses of all sizes.

Creative brief

You can submit a creative idea for one or all of the major events and festivals.

Proposals must be similar in scale, timing and impact of these major events and festivals. They must be adaptable and able to be experienced by both a live and broadcast audience where applicable.

The events should be visible and accessible to a large-scale audience across the relevant precinct and reflect the traditions and objectives of the event for which it is designed.

Your idea can range from a small individual effect as part of an event, to a larger concept related to an entire event program.

All proposals should align with the City of Sydney’s commitment to sustainability.

How to apply

You can attend an optional briefing session in-person or online to learn more:

  • Thursday 28 September, 2:15pm to 3:15pm
  • Town Hall House, 456 Kent Street, Sydney

Email to register.

Apply at Tenderlink by Thursday 26 October at 11am.

Published 18 September 2023, updated 14 February 2024