Planning for the future

Support for the Queensland and NSW flood appeals

We’ve pledged to provide money for those in need following the floods in Queensland and NSW. We’re asking people in a position to help, to do so too.

George St, Sydney (23 February 2022) City workers rushing home in the rain after a day in the office. (Photo by Abril Felman/City of Sydney)
Photo: Abril Felman / City of Sydney

On 21 March, Council voted unanimously to support flood-affected communities across Australia.

We will donate $250,000 to the Red Cross Queensland and NSW Floods Appeal to help communities recover. We will also provide City of Sydney employees and services to support clean-up and rebuild.

“We were fortunate in the City of Sydney to avoid the worst of the storms and are proud to help those in need,” Lord Mayor Clover Moore said.

The Red Cross Queensland and NSW Floods Appeal provides vital humanitarian support to the people and communities affected by the floods.  

The funding will be sourced from the City of Sydney’s 2021/22 general contingency fund.

A program for employee donations to the Australian Red Cross Society is also underway.

The City of Sydney will match dollar for dollar any employee contributions until the end of May 2022, also from the 2021/22 general contingency fund.

Emergency organisations say donations of money instead of goods, where possible, helps affected communities recover sooner. This means people can make their own choices about what will help their families best.

You can also donate to the Red Cross Queensland and NSW Floods Appeal.

Givit Australia works with impacted communities to capture and coordinate donation requests. You can see and give exactly what's needed when it's needed. Donate at Givit.

Further support for communities in need

The City of Sydney has confirmed we are ready and able to respond to help flood affected councils with the Office of Local Government and the local government emergency recovery support group.

We have a longstanding practice of supporting communities impacted by natural disasters.

The City of Sydney’s donations comply with our humanitarian emergency response guidelines and support for charities guidelines.

“It is confronting that it is less than a year since Council last gave support following a serious flooding event,” the Lord Mayor said.

“The past 2 years of severe storms, which followed a season of catastrophic bushfire, cannot be dismissed as rare or unusual – they are evidence of accelerating global warming.

“The situation could not be more serious. We need urgent and equally serious action on climate change, now.”

Published 22 March 2022