Registering your pet is a small step that can make a huge difference. It can help keep your furry friend healthy, happy and closer to home.
We urge residents to ensure their cat or dog is registered as part of a push to help keep track of domestic animals in the city.
It’s a legal requirement to get your dog or cat microchipped by the time they reach 12 weeks of age, then lifetime registered before they’re 6 months old.

It not only helps us keep track of the city’s four legged residents, but it can prove invaluable if your pet gets lost.
“It’s heartbreaking to see people desperately trying to find lost pets when dogs or cats go missing. When microchipped animals are handed in to a veterinarian or shelter, they can be scanned and reunited with their owners,” said Lord Mayor of Sydney, Clover Moore AO.
Out of 81 dogs reported and taken to an animal shelter over a 12 month period, 20 of those were able to be returned to their owners because they were microchipped.
But it’s important to keep those details up to date. A number of other dogs had incorrect information linked to their chip or their owners could not be contacted.
If you move house, or rehome an animal, it’s vital you change the details in the registry within two weeks.
Dogs also need to have a collar and a tag identifying them when they’re in a public place, while it’s recommended cats are similarly dressed for success.
The collars and tags can help reunite a lost pet with their owner if they go missing.
Registration is quick, easy and the fee is a one-off payment that covers the life of your pet.
You may also be eligible for a discount registration rate if you’re a pensioner, have adopted an animal from a shelter or have had your animal desexed within a set time period.
The money collected funds facilities and services for companion animals including dog play areas, animal shelters and education programs.
Register your animal at the NSW Pets Registry or the City of Sydney website.
Find out more information about registering your animal and discount rates.