Sustainable living

Make a plan to face La Niña

Extreme weather to bring heat, humidity and storms but with some organisation you can recover faster from a disaster.

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If your water supply got cut off due to storm damage, do you have a back-up supply to last a few days?

And if the power goes out and causes transport and food supply issues, would you have enough supplies and medication to last a week?

The warmer months bring more emergencies, even in the inner city, along with all the stickiness and mould.

With another La Niña season forecast for spring and summer, we’re expecting more storm-related emergencies such as power blackouts.

You can recover faster from a disaster if you’re prepared.

If you do nothing else, download the free Get Prepared app by Australian Red Cross and sign up for alerts.

The app is brilliant at taking us through things we often don’t think about. It walks you through:

  • finding your emergency contacts
  • preparing your grab and go survival kit
  • saving important documents.

What to prepare now

Start getting your kit ready to keep you going in a blackout, or if you lose water supply.

  • Torches and working batteries
  • Candles and matches
  • Battery operated radio
  • List of important phone numbers in case your phone battery dies
  • Containers of water – allow 3 litres a person a day and have at least a 3 day supply
  • Buckets for leaks and for collecting water if your water supply gets cut off

Prepare a kit in case of blackout
Prepare a kit in case of blackout

Plan for your pets too

How could we forget them! Decide on the essential things your pet needs for 3 to 7 days and have a grab and go bag handy in case you need to leave quickly.

  • Food and treats
  • Bowls and containers
  • Toys
  • Bedding
  • Medicines
  • Important papers

Roo's grab and go
Roo's grab and go

To feel safer and more confident in an emergency, remember to download the Red Cross app and get prepared.

Red Cross Get Prepared app
Red Cross Get Prepared app

Published 19 September 2022, updated 21 September 2022

More on Resilience