Before a Sydney Metro West station opens in Pyrmont in 2030, we have an opportunity to review the planning controls for the Pyrmont peninsula.
We need to bring them into line with the state government’s Pyrmont Peninsula Place Strategy which came into effect in December 2020.
Locals can now assist us and help guide what future growth in the area looks like.
The future of the peninsula
The vision and the directions of the government's place strategy are high level and future-focused.
It outlines some of the major things that will change the peninsula such as investment and redevelopment of NSW Government-owned land at Darling Harbour and Blackwattle Bay, and other key sites it identified – The Star casino site and one location at University of Technology Sydney (UTS). The government is also investigating other transport initiatives for the peninsula.

The opening of a new metro station will bring significant change. It will drive demand for new homes and businesses in Pyrmont and Ultimo and has led to new job and dwelling targets for the area.
By 2041, according to a state government ministerial direction, we need to accommodate:
- 4,000 new homes and 8,500 new residents
- 23,000 workers in almost 1 million square metres of new office, retail or hotel space
Why this matters
Our challenge is to meet these targets and make sure the peninsula is an even better place to live, work and visit.
It’s our job to apply our planning and urban design expertise and work with our communities to review our Pyrmont planning controls so we can accommodate this growth.
Our process is place-based and informed by local people. We want your views about how change should occur. What parts of the peninsula are appropriate for change? What should be preserved? As change occurs, what would you like the City of Sydney to consider?
The growth in the area will involve a level of compromise from all, but we hope through this collaborative process we can achieve a shared and balanced outcome.
What we’re looking at
The Department of Planning and Environment has provided us with a base framework on which to start our work in the area.
It identified sites with fewer constraints on potential redevelopment. The department has also committed to not overshadowing or restricting sun access to Pyrmont and Ultimo’s important parks and places, and protecting some important public views.

The City of Sydney will now take this initial work and take a holistic, site-by-site look at the entire peninsula to accommodate growth in the best way possible.
To help us, we need our residents to share their local and lived experience. You know your streets and spaces better than anyone and the insights you have on the ground are invaluable.
There are some things that aren’t in scope for this project. The NSW Government’s proposed first stage of the Pyrmont peninsula place strategy involved new planning controls for 4 sites: The Star, UTS Indigenous Residential College and 2 metro sites. We won’t be reviewing these areas.

How you can get involved
attend a community workshop on Monday 28 November. Register here
have your say on our interactive map by 5pm on Monday 5 December.
You can also register for project updates.
Following the workshop and consultation with our communities, we’ll draft planning controls.
Those draft controls will be reported to Council and if approved put on formal exhibition in 2023.
Once the Department of Planning approves the draft controls for public exhibition, our communities will again be given the opportunity to comment on the controls.
Published 15 November 2022, updated 16 November 2022