A peer-reviewed evaluation has shown strong community support for the Erskineville pop-up cycleway.
This pop-up was one 6 created by the City of Sydney and Transport for NSW to give people more transport options during the Covid-19 pandemic. These pop-ups serve more than 16,000 bike trips each week, make bike riding easier and safer, and ease pressure on public transport.

The Erskineville pop-up cycleway, running from Bridge Street to Henderson Road, has quickly become an important part of the City’s cycling network. It forms an east-west link between Erskineville, Australian Technology Park and the major bike routes to the city centre. City-bound trains at Erskineville Station are regularly at capacity during peak times, and the cycleway provides a safe alternative to public transport.
The City of Sydney undertook an evaluation of the pop-up cycleway and found strong grounds for transforming the pop-up into a permanent cycleway. More than 55 hours of on-street observations were recorded, and over 120 in-person surveys were completed.
Rider numbers along the route increased by 113% between June and October, from 160 daily bike trips to over 400. Almost a quarter of riders surveyed reported shifting to bike riding from driving or public transport since the pop-up was installed.

Importantly, 92% of riders also reported feeling safer since the introduction of the pop-up cycleway. The street environment is improved too, with an average reduction in traffic speeds between 10 and 30%.
Local resident and president of Friends of Erskineville, Andrew Chuter, says the pop-up cycleways have had a positive impact on the whole community.
"You’ve got a lot more people cycling and walking up Bridge Street now and it’s changed the ambience of the area," says Chuter.
"People are congregating and talking to each other at cafes and parks. It’s a vibrant public space in a way that perhaps it wasn’t in the past.
“There’s more options for people walking and for kids getting safely to school. My 12-year-old daughter likes to scooter to school and I ride onto work. I like that connection of travelling with her – ¬it’s a really enjoyable way to start the day.”
Across the City of Sydney, there is widespread community support for creating safe, connected cycleways. A telephone survey in October 2020 of 1000 randomly selected City of Sydney residents shows over 70% of residents support making more space for people to ride bikes.
We will now move to undertake a full community consultation about making the Erskineville pop-up cycleway permanent, as well as making improvements for people walking, including footpath widening. You're encouraged to have your say. Consultation closes 22 December.
Published 30 November 2020