Your go-to site for updates on cycleways updates & upcoming bike events in Sydney. The team offers advice, maps and more to get you on two wheels.
Cycling confidence courses
Our Cycling in the City course provides valuable insights into city cycling. Experienced instructors guide you through a series of skills and drills to ride city streets with confidence. There is also a Rusty Riders version if you haven’t ridden in a while.
Explore Sydney
See your city from a new perspective and take a self-guided Sydney Rides tour. Download a map and discover food, art, park and foreshore trails.

Plan your route
The best way by bike is not always obvious. Don’t assume you will ride the same way you drive. There’s an abundance of laneways, hidden connections and cycle friendly streets you never knew existed. Our Sydney cycling map and personalised route finding service will help you find a more enjoyable way.
You can also use our Facebook messenger service which provides instant results for your trip. Open messenger now and tap get started.

Riding to work
Arrive at work with a clear head and feeling energised. Riding a bike to work can be faster and more convenient than public transport or a car, and it’s an easy way to stay fit. Get the tools you need to get started. The Sydney Bike Commuter Facebook group is good place to ask questions to existing riders and find a riding buddy.

Riding etiquette
Friendly waves, eye contact, using your bell, clear signalling and stopping at red lights will improve your public relations and make for a smooth, enjoyable journey.
Get social
Follow SydneyCycleways on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and tag #SydneyRides to show us your ride.