Sustainable living

6 food co-ops in Sydney

Shop local and reduce food miles

Assorted fresh fruits, including apples, grapes, and bananas, displayed in wicker baskets. Fruit

Reduce your food packaging and support more sustainable forms of agriculture by shopping at a food co-operative.

Food co-ops are volunteer-run organisations that provide seasonal, local and often organically grown produce to their members.

They’re a more sustainable form of business than supermarkets because they’re established to serve their community members instead of making a profit. This means with each purchase, you’re supporting local farmers and producers and encouraging more sustainable forms of farming and produce distribution.

As a co-op member, you also get the benefit of buying fruit, veggies and other ingredients in bulk, instead of using plastic packets, jars and tins.

Check out these inner city co-ops:

*You don’t have to be a student or staff member to join.

Published 31 May 2018