You’re invited to have your say on two new bike links in Waterloo, and another connecting Ultimo and Surry Hills. These new cycleways are important connections in our bike network and will make getting around safer for people walking and riding.
O’Dea Avenue, Waterloo
We’re planning a two-way separated cycleway the northern side of O’Dea Avenue between Bourke Street and Gadigal Avenue.
This new cycleway will form an important east-west connection between the existing popular routes on Bourke Street and Gadigal Avenue.
There will be some impacts to parking, and one bus stop will be relocated as part of the works. View the plans and leave your feedback.

Ultimo to Surry Hills
We’re looking to build a connection between Ultimo and Surry Hills, via Haymarket.
This is an area of high bike and pedestrian activity, and the new bike links will reduce footpath riding and make walking and riding safer for everybody.
The proposal includes separated cycleway on Ultimo Road, plus a low-speed quiet-way on Thomas Street in Haymarket. Two new sections of separated cycleway on Campbell Street (west) will link to the existing popular bike route between Surry Hills and Haymarket.
The project also includes new tree plantings and other streetscape improvements.
There will be some impacts to parking on Ultimo Road and Campbell Street. View the plans and leave your feedback.

Wellington Street, Waterloo
A new separated cycleway link is planned for Wellington Street, Waterloo. The new bike lane will link to the popular George Street cycleway in the east.
With the future opening of the Waterloo Metro station, this new bike link is an important step to make the area safer for people walking and riding.
Stop sign priority will also be changed at the intersection of George and Wellington streets.
View the plans and leave your feedback
Leave your feedback on all 3 new planned projects until 5pm on Monday 29 May 2023.
Published 11 May 2023