Local ecology

Hop to it: help us track local frogs

Join community frog surveys at Sydney Park and Lewis Hoad reserves.

Small Peron’s Tree Frog

Frogs, especially in cities, are under threat from climate change, invasive plants and animals, and land development.

Be a citizen scientist and help us survey our local frog habitat areas at dusk to see if they’re being colonised.

Led by frog expert Dr Arthur White, check out how frogs live in urban parks and green spaces. You’ll learn how scientists locate and identify frogs by listening to their calls.

These surveys are part of our biodiversity health check, with data being used to update our urban ecology strategic action plan.

Free but registration is essential. Register for each site, we’ll let you know where to meet once you’ve registered.

  • Sydney Park, Alexandria Wednesday 12 March from 7pm to 9pm Register
  • Lewis Hoad Reserve, Forest Lodge Wednesday 19 March from 7pm to 9pm Register

The surveys require walking on uneven ground. Wear sturdy shoes and dress appropriately for the weather at night. Bring a water bottle and a torch / head torch if you have one. For your safety, this event may be postponed or cancelled in extreme weather. No children under 12 years.

If you have questions please contact urban ecology coordinator Les McCluskey at urbanecology@cityofsydney.nsw.gov.au.

Published 24 February 2025, updated 4 March 2025